Below are some recent photos of our spring and start of summer!
Planting the garden with mom.
Finding worms with dad! So cool!
Poor Zoe, totally unimpressed with Payson's dress up stuff. Makes an okay pillow...

Eating frozen peas... naked!

Matt and I on our 5 year anniversary in Kennebunk. Hard to believe it's been 5 years already!
Getting creative with daddy on a rainy day - we're having a LOT of those lately!

Alison & Payson atop the BIG slide - these girls have no fear and are all over the "big" playground. They are growing up SO fast!

Payson & Leah enjoying some watermelon at the Odom's weekly BBQ.

Sawyer Dennis Smith joins the world on June 10! Welcome Baby Sawyer!

The happy, healthy, albeit tired Smiths (minus Alison who was not there when we visited).

Payson checking out Sawyer. She was pretty timid, but very gentle and interested.

Sawyer laying atop his buddy, still living it up on the "inside."

The Plummer "kids." Zoe wouldn't wear a hat.

Ringing in summer at Windham's Summerfest parade. Payson loved to watch the fire trucks, horses, people, helicopter, marching bands, choo-choo trains, etc. and it was so fun to see it through her eyes. We can't wait for a 4th of July parade!

Alison & Payson near the big tractor at Summerfest.

First ever taste of mom's favorite - Seadog Bisquit. No, she didn't eat the whole thing - but I ate all of mine!

After seeing pictures of herself nursing and watching 2 of our good friends recently nurse their newborns, Payson took it upon herself to nurse Pink Baby, which I found incredibly endearing. Up to this point she has been fixated on bottles, which is what she sees the babies at daycare receive. In this picture she's telling me that "Water comes out of this one" while milk comes out of the one the baby's nursing on!

This girl has a wild side, for sure!
I love these photos---you look amazing! I think the last one of Payson reminds me of a photo we have in the "hot tub" outside of the CIT cabin!
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