I've decided to forgo trying to catch up since last January. As most of you know, Matt and I found out on Inauguration Day that we were expecting Plum #2 in September, and then I started feeling awful almost immediately. My first trimester was full of an upset stomach, fatigue, and hunger matched with many food adversions that changed hourly. Luckily the upset stomach faded around the end of the first trimester, but the food adversions remain but don't change quite as quickly. The tiredness has JUST passed (at around 21 weeks), mostly, I think, due to eating more regularly and eating a lot more protein - a suggestion passed along at our last appointment with our midwives. I almost feel like myself again - just with a bigger belly!
So, I'm going to provide info on our latest adventures. We had a great Memorial Day weekend, filled with plenty of errands but also with plenty of friends, family, and cookouts. Our big task was purchasing Payson's BIG GIRL bed and getting her room reorganized... and her to sleep in the bed! It's been a pretty seamless transition, thank goodness.
All excited about the new surface to run and bounce on! (And the purple sheets were a hit as well, of course.)

How did snacks end up in bed?
All "smiles" - if we can call that a smile.

A good glimpse at how grown up Payson's face is looking these days.

Night #1 - konked out with her faithful sidekicks, Blue and Pink Babies.
We also fit in some fun and went to the Gray Wildlife Park on Monday, which was a total blast this year. Payson was really interested in all the Maine animals, in feeding them, pushing or pulling her wagon around, and having fun with her cousins.

Smiles with daddy before we got started.

The only way we can get a family photo - good think Matt has long arms.

Feeding this goose with dad - Payson actually let it eat corn out of her hand too.

Taking a picture with her cousins, Fiona on the left and Chloe on the right.
We also managed to buy some flowers and plant them - Payson is really enjoying watering, planting, digging... gardening in general. Unfortuately we are doing a very minimal veggie garden this summer - I don't think I'll be up for much weeding this summer!

Finally, Payson is pretty darn excited about the arrival of her new baby brother, even though it's not for a few months. She likes to talk to him, feed him (either through giving me food for him or with a special spoon she puts to my belly), hug and kiss him, ask questions about him, and include him in our family. It's very, very sweet. Last night all three (four?) of us were crammed in her new bed at her request, and she said, "Listen! The baby's talking!" I asked her what he was saying, and then she paused to think about it and replied, "He says, 'Love you, mommy! Love you, daddy! Love you, Payson!" Then she asked if she could hold the baby when he came out. I think she'll be a great big sister.

Yeah - glad to see your update! You look great (so do Matt and Payson!).
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