Payson's second birthday party was in early January. We had so much fun! Thanks to everyone who came and contributed!
Making bug antennae headbands.

Payson kept hers on for as long as it took to take this picture! Notice how it's entirely purple - her favorite color these days, without a doubt.

Payson had requested an orange cake for about two months, and then added on a request for ladybugs to be on it also. A friend of Shirley's, Matt's mom, made this cake and it was wonderful! Payson was impressed (as was everyone!).

I thought I had a great idea - hiding fake bugs in a baby pool and then filling it with styrofoam (which I could recycle). It went well at the beginning of the party, but as I was distracted opening gifts with Payson, the kids got a little crazy and began diving into the pool (and driving into it, apparently!). Did I mention it was winter and the static was crazy? Thank goodness for family and friends that helped us clean up this mess!