I know some of you had expressed particular interest in seeing pictures of our holidays on this blog. Well, here you go, 2 months later (sorry)! We really did have an excellent Christmas, and can't wait for next year. Payson "got" the idea of gifts but not obnoxiously so - she would patiently open one and then play with it. We had a great couple of days!
Our tradition on Christmas Eve is to spend it with Matt's dad, stepmother, stepbrother & family, and sister and family. Payson and her cousins found this box to be the best toy - and I'm finding the contents of this gag gift to be one of my favorite gifts - new Tupperware! (You know you're old when this stuff excites you.) Above - Payson in the box.
And cousin Fiona in the box (it was really hot in the house!)
The best picture I took of all 3 squirmy, excited girls!
All dressed and ready to head to Mimi and Papa's!
The annual family shot by the Christmas tree.

In lieu of a more toddler-friendly hill, Matt and I took both Alison and Payson down this rather large hill in a gravel pit adjacent to Matt's house. Boy, does he have stories about what he did in the "pit" as a kid! It was quite a ride for the 4 of us on the "family fun toboggan." We went airborn briefly and poor Payson got a face full of snow. She cheered up when she saw a snowmobile, though, which made Matt pretty happy. I think I'm in trouble. I hope the price of four stroke models falls by the time Payson can ride!