Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I don't have time tonight to do a complete update since my last, but I wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween and post some pictures of our little goblin!

We had two cute costumes for Payson this year - a duck, bought by Mimi after last Halloween, and a pumpkin, a hand-me-down from our friends the Heslers. She refused to put either of them on, so Matt and I made her a costume she could wear without feeling like she was wearing anything - a devil! It turned out pretty cute.

Here are some pictures of our little devil. We also tried trick-or-treating with Alison and it went really well! The girls had a blast and everyone thought they were adorable. We agree! :)

Hope your holiday was spooky and fun and I'll do some more updating ASAP!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Autumn Packs a Punch!

Whew! We've been busy lately, packing in a ton of autumn fun! The colors this year have been amazing, as has the weather. We've been fortunate to enjoy sunny, seventy degree days lately so we've been outside a ton. Catch up on our latest below...

To all of our delight, Payson has started cooking - and I really mean it! She loves to sidle up to the counter and help mom or dad, or watch. I first tried this with her favorite weekend breakfast, French toast. I don't even stir at all - she does a great job and it's tons of fun.

We went to a small but fun Pumkin Festival with the Smiths a few weekends ago. This picture's not the best, but it does capture Payson's outfit and continual fashion sense.
Lots of pumpkins!

Having a blast running around between all the rows.

Cookie decorating was a hit...
... as was eating the creation. For some reason, I love this picture.
We didn't prompt them to do this - they are so cute and such good buddies.
Okay, most of the time they are cute, but sometimes they are a little odd... after playing at the playground they spotted a tennis court and proceeded to "sleep" on it. It was funny nonetheless!

No, we're not really potty training yet, but Payson likes to sit on the potty (nothing comes out yet, but I figure if she wants to sit, it's a good first step) and hang out from time to time. She grabbed her book and went for it... notice her feet are crossed too! This will be the picture we show her boyfriends when she's a teenager. I remember my parents had one of me on a potty reading Reader's Digest (ironic), upsidedown. I don't think they were cruel enough to show it to any boyfriends, though.

We met up with the Smiths again and our friends Julie (20 months) and her mom Kate from our swimming class a year ago for some apple picking and hay riding near the Smith's house. Payson chomped an entire apple and loved it!

On the hayride - left to right are Julie, Payson, & Alison.

Working on her second apple and having fun near some pumpkins after the first one bit the dust (literally - she dropped it).

This past weekend Payson and I went on a walk to collect some supplies for some painting. I finally remembered my camera to capture the fall colors at their peak along the Presumpscot River. They are just breathtaking this year, supposively due to our rainy summer.

Some more vibrant colors behind the gunpowder mill you see to the left. These mills were used to produce about one third of the gunpowder for the Civil War and much of the mill village is still in tact. Really cool!

Payson collecting some nature supplies - this could be a rock, or lichen. Once she discovered pine cones the bag filled up quickly!

Using our supplies didn't go exactly as I thought it would, but we still had a blast! Payson painted a card for Alison's birthday party which was the following day.

A nice cold drink after all that work - and before the big clean up!

More painting at Alison's party with the birthday girl herself. Payson called Alison on her real birthday, 10-10, to wish her a happy birthday and they actually had a conversation. Payson also sang to Alison, which sounds like "Happy to you, happy to you Alison Smiph." (her last name is Smith)

A good profile shot by daddy-o.

The birthday girl behind her amazing apple cake.

Enjoying the frosting!

It's hard to believe Alison turned two already. That means Payson's birthday is, now, less than ten weeks away (and so are the holidays... and my thirtieth! YIKES!). It really is amazing how quickly time is flying by. We got to catch up with some friends, the Haniskos, we haven't seen in a long time at Ali's party, which was really nice and we hope to see them again soon.

Payson continues to be a little ball of fire - she knows her colors & shapes really well now and likes to point both out as we drive. She continues to test her limits like any normal 21 month old... and it's amusing sometimes! Both last night and tonight she told Matt, "Daddy, go wash the dishes" when she wanted him to leave her alone. It's hard not to laugh sometimes!

Hope everyone who's reading this is doing well - I encourage you to leave a comment to let us know what you're up to! Take care and I'll blog again when I find the time. :)