As you can see, I've changed the look of this blog. It probably won't be the last time as I'm struggling to find a template I like and that I can change the colors of the elements I'd like to. Bear with me as I'm sure I'll change it again soon. Grrrr...
We had a busy but really, really fun weekend! After our walk with Jami, Braydon, and the doggies on the Libby Hill Trails (see my last post), we headed home for Payson's standard post-lunch nap and then got ready to go to Mimi & Papa's for an "Easter Eve" dinner. I've captured some of Payson's newest pasttimes below!
Payson LOVES to play in "her drawers," which typically works out well for us as well if we're getting ready in the bathroom. However, she's getting more skilled now at taking caps on and off, pulling floss, etc. so I don't know how much longer this will last. Then what will we do? (Oh yeah, you can also check out our recently tiled bathroom, courtesy of Matt & Ray! I think it looks GREAT!)

Oh yes, and here's proof that Payson is really walking nowadays. (See the floss? At least she's into oral hygiene.)
Looking cute with dad before we left.

Under dad's legs with some eggs Mimi & Papa dyed. Little did we all know they'd turn Payson's hands blue and green for a couple days!

Practicing crouching skills, eggs still in hands, ears on head. Quite the talents.

Not only is Zoe no longer the center of attention, but we still make her do stupid stuff like wear these bunny ears. She's thrilled, as you can see!

A cute picture of Mimi, Papa, & Payson.

To start off our Easter morning, as I was folding laundry Payson insisted I put several pairs of socks on her feet, pajamas and all. Her personality continues to shine through and it's quite funny! She must know how much Matt and I loved the '80s.

We headed to Merrifield Farm in Gorham for Maine Maple Sunday. We were joined by Nanie and Grampy Plummer and we had a great time! Payson especially loved looking at all the animals, and Nanie was happy to take her back and forth between the bulls, calf, and the pigs. It was freezing, but we managed to choke down ice cream topped with maple syrup. Yum!

Matt & Payson in the sugar shack.

Payson and I hopped on a cart pulled by 2 bulls. I'm pretty sure it was not OSHA approved as we almost fell off the back going up this steep hill. Payson loved it though; she mooed at the bulls and squealed as we bumped along the frozen road.

After that eventful morning, we went home for the lunch/nap routine and then went over to our friends the Heslers for Easter dinner and play time. Christine and TJ have 2 little girls, Delaney who is almost 4 and Allie who is 2. They had a blast playing together!

The fabric tube was a huge hit (Allie left, Delaney right). I would love to get one!

Payson really enjoyed it!

... and Christine and I had fun, too, although we couldn't fit in the tube together!

The Easter Bunny brought the Hesler girls a new ATWagon!

The Easter Bunny didn't really bring Payson anything. In fact, we didn't really have the "Easter spirit" until the weekend started. I guess we should start getting into these holidays as Payson's starting to (kind of?) "get" what's going on. I'll have to deal with religion, too, I suppose, because I personally feel like we should know what the holiday actually signifies and not just celebrate it for the candy, icons, etc. But that's a subject for another time.
I am really enjoying blogging, although I am getting a little obsessed. Maybe it will wear off once I find a layout I like! Poor Matt, he thinks I'm nuts. He's actually asleep now as I type this. Guess I should head to bed, too.
As an aside, I like to report on my exercising accomplishments in this blog as it's a good way to keep me motivated. I went to my first of 6 yoga classes with Jami last night through Windham Adult Ed. Stacy is signed up, too, but poor Alison was sick again and Stacy couldn't make it. It felt really great, but wasn't a great workout per se. I still enjoyed it tremendously. After work today Zoe and I went on a 35 minute run. For some reason Zoe lags behind me on road runs, which drives me NUTS as I'm running down the road dragging this hunting dog with supposed amazing endurance behind me. If I get her on the trails, she's fine. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the road salt and sand irritating her paws. Maybe she's just rather be on the trails.
Anyways, I'm off to bed. Love any comments, either on the blog or via email. Let me know what you like and what you don't!